Krav is back on the menu!
After a journey best outlined another time, the CBD venue will be re-opening the doors (pending all goes to plan!) from July 1st.
The major repair works are done, there is mainly clean up and re-organising left. These should be complete by planned opening.
There will be a slight change to the timetable and classes. With the planned swap out of one of the Krav Fundamental classes, with a Kinetic Fighting class each week, open to all levels.
This is great supplemental training, to the already awesome Krav Maga Self-Defence progression curriculum.
This is great supplemental training, to the already awesome Krav Maga Self-Defence progression curriculum.
Private Training sessions will also be re-commencing.
There will be more information and emails with dates and changes coming soon.
Please keep an eye out on our website, Facebook page, for upcoming updates. Emails will go out to all over next few weeks on dates, timetable changes, etc.
New/prospective members, can still register your interest over on “Get Started“. You will get official email updates once everything is back up and running.
All can still get in contact with us through the Enquiry Form, or sending us an email.
Krav on!